
canadian residential header, Starlight

Canadian Residential

A leader in Canadian multi-family real estate.


Starlight is at the forefront of the Canadian real estate space. We provide quality rental suites across Canada, while simultaneously building stronger communities. Our experience as owners and managers allows us to enhance the value of our investments and produce long-term sustainable growth opportunities for our investors, partners and residents.








Canadian Residential employees


Proposed new rental suites under development

Partnering with best-in-class property management firms.

Starlight residences are managed by a robust network of best-in-class professional property management companies. These partners are responsible for meeting day-to-day operational needs, including resident communications, ongoing maintenance and more. We use regular resident satisfaction surveys to drive continual improvement, while resident portals offer a convenient way to communicate with management to ensure requests are resolved quickly.

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Resident Rent Assistance Program

We know residents may face unexpected financial hardship and our professional Property Management partners are here to offer support. The Resident Rent Assistance Program (RRAP) offers different rent relief options based on residents’ needs. To date, we have successfully provided rental assistance to over 600 families. Any resident, regardless of employment or income status, can apply to the RRAP. Each application is reviewed on a confidential case-by-case basis by our Property Management partners.

Our Commitments to ESG

Our shared future.

Sustainability is at the forefront of our operations, with a strong focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policy. In fact, our Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (“GRESB”) score was ranked first within our Residential Non-listed peer group.

Our sustainable operations preserve and protect our shared natural resources. We create inclusive communities in our neighbourhoods and in the workplace, and we are proactive in our transparency and accountability measures to ensure we mitigate future risks because the future belongs to all of us.

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Bringing impact into every community.

In addition to building brand new communities, we also invest in our existing communities with a focus on reducing the environmental impact of our properties.


New solar rooftops

34,000 ft²

Green rooftops


EV charging stations


Energy & water reduction projects

Staying Connected

To ensure residents are supported, all our residences are managed by professional property management companies who respond to resident requests in-person and through our dedicated online portal to ensure we deliver positive rental experiences. 

Our communities are backed by resident engagement and appreciation programs as well as satisfaction surveys, which are used to help drive continual improvements and ensure continuous communication.

Building Communities for Everyone

We work with community leaders and a variety of unique local housing providers to deliver approximately 1000+ social housing suites as part of our affordable housing stock for families across Canada. 

  • Over 75 awards and certifications received 

  • Over 30 local and national charities supported

Learn About The Starlight Impact

Smart Systems for a Sustainable Future

We invest in real-time energy management software to create more connected communities — using meters, smart lighting and Building Automation Systems (BAS), we utilize data to improve comfort for our residents while reducing energy and operating costs. 

We have implemented advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in over 40 communities. Our Internet of Things (IoT) smart platform helps unify different systems and digital control applications into a single efficient platform, offering direct insight into usage patterns that can lead to actionable sustainable initiatives.

Expanding the Market

We are proactive in building purpose-built new rental housing across Canada. 

We have completed eight development communities consisting of 900+ rental suites, with more to come. Our proposed development pipeline includes 81 communities, featuring 21,000 suites creating much-needed housing across the country. We also add additional housing through conversion of unused space in existing residences, providing even more homes to Canadian families.

Our Developments

Residence Preservation Program

Starlight prioritizes sustainable design across our capital improvements. Through our program we provide new or improved amenities and features to raise the standard of living for all our residents. In 2021, we implemented many suite upgrades and common element improvements across our residential portfolio to ensure optimal design, usage and safety, including:

  • Mechanical upgrades

  • Elevator modernizations

  • Roof replacements

  • Garage restorations

  • Shared indoor and outdoor spaces

Mouse over to learn more.

HVAC System Recommissioning

High-efficiency HVAC

Advanced ventilation and outdoor air rates

Centralized controls and remote monitoring

CO2 monitoring

Sustainable Amenities

Fitness facilities

Bicycle parking and maintenance facilities

Access to outdoor and indoor recreation spaces

Upgraded laundry facilities

Safe access to stairwells

Community gardens

Space for biodiversity promotion

Resident engagement programs and events

Healthy Materials

FloorScore® flooring

Water-based wood stain finishing

Non-toxic paint

Environmentally-friendly insulation

Energy & Water Efficiency

LED lighting

Energy Star appliances

Low flow toilets and fixtures

Variable frequency drives

Occupancy / light sensors

Insulated windows and doors

Drought resistant plants and landscaping

Smart thermostats


Waste Management

Optimized waste and recycling rooms

Landscape yard waste recycling

Diversion programs for e‑waste

Clothing and furniture donation

Building better communities.

Starlight’s development pipeline features a wide range of new purpose-built rentals, responding to the need for new quality homes across Canada. We have already delivered six new purpose-built rental developments, with another 81 residences in the planning phase.

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Our featured residences.


Get in touch with your property manager.

Looking to contact the property management team at your residence? Find your property here to connect with a representative.

If you cannot find your residence or reach your property manager, please contact operations@​starlightinvest.​com