
net zero header, Starlight

Net Zero Strategy

We are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions across all scopes by 2050.


At Starlight, we work diligently to understand, measure and take necessary steps to lead us to low carbon, resilient, healthy and equitable spaces. We have had rapid growth in our portfolio over the last five years. This is why we continue to benchmark, track and align with industry best practice frameworks

We are proud of the progress we have made towards reaching our targets since 2020.


Carbon emissions intensity reduction


Green building certifications in residential portfolio


EV charging stations


Rooftop solar installations


Water intensity reduction


Energy intensity reduction

Our net zero strategy is rooted in a long-standing energy management and efficiency program.

With support and investment from our partners, we aim to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 (all scopes) or sooner. Our target is aligned with the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Climate Agreement and further commitments made by our partners. We are also exploring net zero carbon options for all new development projects, with a goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions from 2030 onwards.

While our experience positions us well for our targets, we know achieving net zero carbon is a joint effort with our investors, partners and communities to find opportunities, innovate and adjust along the way.

Net Zero, Starlight
Starlight solar panels

Our path to net zero.

We see the value in taking a comprehensive approach to how we position our existing buildings for decarbonization. We are focused on asset improvements first and foremost, developing and procuring renewable energy and only purchasing carbon offsets for residual carbon emissions.

Identify current baseline emissions and evaluate future opportunities and risks for our growing portfolio.

Prioritize and develop net zero carbon pathways at the building level.

Establish good governance and reporting to hold ourselves accountable to our partners and communities.

We believe setting targets and monitoring our progress is the only way to achieve success.

As we continue to work towards our net zero strategy, we are focused on these milestones.


Baseline Year


Identify key buildings to model our carbon emissions reduction pathway across our portfolio.


Guide existing buildings to execute on their individual decarbonization pathways, including buildings within one year of acquisition.


Aim to achieve net zero carbon emissions for all new developments in the design stage from this date forward.


Aim to achieve a 50% reduction in operational carbon emissions intensity for our portfolio


Achieve net zero carbon emissions intensity across all scopes.

Starlight new building 43

Developing an integrated approach across our sustainability initiatives.

From conception to completion, all of our initiatives are sustainable, socially responsible and measurable. Decarbonizing real estate improves quality of life for residents and employees. We are focused on moving toward a just transition for our communities to bridge a healthy economy and environment with equal opportunity for all.

Our initiatives in action.

Starlight new building 42

Green Roofs

Our sprouting green rooftops across our commercial and mid-rise residences provide both environmental and economic benefits.

Starlight new building 41

220+ EV Charging Stations

We are contributing to low-carbon infrastructure by installing EV charging stations throughout our new developments and at many of our existing residences.

Iso certification, Starlight

ISO Certification

Data and IT infrastructure are some of the most valuable assets in our business, and keeping the data of our employees and external stakeholders secure is critical to our ongoing success.

Starlight new home system

Real-Time Energy Management

Investing in new technologies and data management software, such as smart thermostats and automation systems to optimize performance.

Increasing our impact by lowering our emissions.

We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and making a positive impact across our portfolio. See the steps we’re taking to create a more sustainable future for our residents, investors and communities.