
Starlight new


Canadian Residential

Starlight Investments Celebrates Earth Day 2021

Toronto – April 22, 2021 – Starlight Investments (“Starlight”) celebrates Earth Day 2021.

Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day continues to evolve far beyond a single day of recognition each April 22. Starlight is proud to support this ongoing movement and we are pleased to highlight some of the company’s most recent initiatives:

As we celebrate Earth Day 2021, sustainability continues to be a focus of our business strategy and compliments our approach to asset management. Starlight is proud of our contribution to this commitment and we continue to support opportunities for a sustainable future,” stated Glen Hirsh, Chief Operating Officer of Starlight Investments.

About Starlight Investments

Starlight Investments is a privately held Toronto-based, full service, multi-family and commercial real estate investment and asset management company driven by an experienced team of over 300 professionals. The company currently manages over $20.0 billion of direct real estate as well as real estate investment securities. Investment vehicles include institutional joint ventures, True North Commercial REIT, Starlight U.S. Multi-Family Funds, the Northview Canadian High Yield Fund and Starlight Capital Funds. Starlight Investment’s portfolio consists of approximately 70,000 multi- residential units across Canada and the U.S. and over 8.0 million square feet of commercial properties. Please visit us at www​.starlight​in​vest​.com and connect with us on LinkedIn at www​.linkedin​.com/​c​o​m​p​a​n​y​/​s​t​a​r​l​i​g​h​t​-​i​n​v​e​s​t​m​e​n​t​s​-ltd-

Lauren Kenney
Vice President Human Capital & Communications
+1 – 416-234‑8444

Glen Hirsh
Chief Operating Officer
+1 – 416-234‑8444

Daniel Drimmer
President and Chief Executive Officer
+1 – 416-234‑8444