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Canadian Residential

Starlight Investments Community Awarded the 2020 Hamilton Trillium Award of Excellence

Toronto – October 9, 2020 – Starlight Investments (“Starlight”) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the 2020 Hamilton Trillium Award of Excellence for its Villa Marie rental community located in Hamilton, Ontario (the Property”). The Hamilton Trillium Award of Excellence, which began 64 years ago and continues today through the efforts of volunteers and City of Hamilton staff, is awarded to nominees from industrial, commercial, institutional and multi-residential properties across the City of Hamilton.

The receipt of this award exemplifies Starlight’s commitment to managing and maintaining our properties to benefit both our residents and the communities in which we operate,” stated Daniel Drimmer, Starlight’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

The Property comprises four high-rise, concrete buildings located at 43 Forest Avenue, 57 Forest Avenue, 151 Hughson Street and 50 Young Street in Hamilton, Ontario.

About Starlight Investments

Starlight Investments is a privately held Toronto-based, full service, multi-family and commercial real estate investment and asset management company driven by an experienced team of over 225 professionals. The company currently manages over $14.0 billion of direct real estate as well as real estate investment securities. Investment vehicles include institutional joint ventures, True North Commercial REIT, Starlight U.S. Multi-Family Funds and Starlight Capital Funds. Starlight Investment’s portfolio consists of approximately 43,000 multi-residential units across Canada and the U.S. and over 7.0 million square feet of commercial properties. Please visit us at www​.starlight​in​vest​.com and connect with us on LinkedIn at www​.linkedin​.com/​c​o​m​p​a​n​y​/​s​t​a​r​l​i​g​h​t​-​i​n​v​e​s​t​m​e​n​t​s​-ltd-

David Chalmers
President, Asset Management Canadian Multi-Family
+1 – 416-234‑8444

Lauren Kenney
Vice President Communications and Human Capital
+1 – 416-234‑8444