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Canadian Residential

Starlight Investments Proud Sponsor of RealCapital Virtual Conference to be Held on February 23 & 24, 2021

Toronto – February 16, 2021 – Starlight Investments is pleased to announce that is a proud sponsor at this year’s RealCapital Conference 20th Edition held virtually on February 23 & 24, 2021. During the conference Dennis Mitchell, Starlight Capital’s CEO and CIO, will be participating on a panel with investment executives titled, Equity Investors in the Canadian Real Estate Market: What to They See? What are They Doing?”

RealCapital is designed to meet the needs of all individuals and organizations who play an integral role in sourcing, structuring, negotiating, and approving equity investment and debt financing in office, industrial, retail and multi-unit residential real estate – ranging from acquisition, development, and construction activity to mezzanine, conventional debt, and long-term portfolio purposes.

We are proud to once again sponsor this important Canadian real estate and capital markets event. We look forward to this virtual conference and discussion surrounding the key issues and emerging trends in real estate investment and financing in the current environment,” stated Daniel Drimmer, Starlight’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

About Starlight Investments

Starlight Investments is a privately held Toronto-based, full service, multi-family and commercial real estate investment and asset management company driven by an experienced team of over 300 professionals. The company currently manages over $20.0 billion of direct real estate as well as real estate investment securities. Investment vehicles include institutional joint ventures, True North Commercial REIT, Starlight U.S. Multi-Family Funds, the Northview Canadian High Yield Fund and Starlight Capital Funds. Starlight Investment’s portfolio consists of approximately 70,000 multi- residential units across Canada and the U.S. and over 8.0 million square feet of commercial properties. Please visit us at www​.starlight​in​vest​.com and connect with us on LinkedIn at www​.linkedin​.com/​c​o​m​p​a​n​y​/​s​t​a​r​l​i​g​h​t​-​i​n​v​e​s​t​m​e​n​t​s​-ltd-

Daniel Drimmer
President and Chief Executive Officer
+1 – 416-234‑8444

Lauren Kenny
Vice President and Human Capital & Communications
+1 – 416-234‑8444